Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How to see what Google is telling the world about you and your business

your business name search

‘Your Business Name ‘ Search

Ever typed in your name in Google? How about your business or brand name?

Like what you see?

I hope you found in that top ten search for your name are other entities on the internet citing you and your achievements and professional milestones.

What you see there is called your top ten Google “Search profile“. Google is giving you a useful insight here into how the Search Engine prioritizes the most relevant content sources that mention your name. What kind of insight can you gain from this?

The obvious take away is that this type of search is your first introduction to anyone searching for your term, be it your name or entity name. What these searchers see, however many there are in a day, a month, a year, will affect the first impression the person on the other end will assume about your reputation. Have reviews from Google or Yelp in your top 10 search? People are reading reviews and trusting them. Is there a site in those results with an incorrect business address or incorrect phone number ? You can be sure any potential V.I.P. to your bottom line could be acting on this bad info. That opportunity may never happen again, for that individual. Only you can answer for yourself in this case, ‘what opportunity have I lost?’ In fact, they may even be calling the competitor that is showing up in your top ten search for your entity.

I remember when this concept was new to me, so I can understand if your mind is racing with potential risk and reward right now. This new aspect of human behavior, the “Branded Search”, has changed the way products and services are shopped and sold, and careers are secured. More on this later…

Now imagine a different result.

Let’s say you had high quality stories and articles highlighting your or your entity’s achievements and professional highlights. You have likely made a great impression, wouldn’t you agree?

If you type in a Google search for a term that is of HIGH to EPIC importance to your bottom line, and you don’t like what you see… take heart! That can be managed and even solved…

If you act fast!

Contact us at 1 (888) 406-3484, if you see there is something upsetting to you on your personal Search Profile or a local search for your business name. Maybe your profile is not displaying the best it can be. We can look at your unique situation, and devise a custom unique solution to making your Search Profile’s first impression as impressive as possible.

Best regards,

Jay Turner

P.S. Would you like to see a fun example of a good ‘Search Profile’, AND get a free helpful gift from me? Try this… type the below phrase in Google:

Local Search is powerful, and can grow a business


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