The evidence keeps pouring in thru my research feeds, and my own experience… Video Marketing has a decided advantage when used for Local Search. Local business owners have always had the pressures of squeezing as much value as they can when it comes to marketing their services. One of the mediums that has been out of reach for most Main Street business marketing budgets is the TV commercial. Why?
Because production costs have always put a quality video selling services has made it high risk. Match that with the risky proposition of putting that video on Television.. and you have a Hail Mary, not a Sure Thing. Television commercials have always had the disadvantage of gauging their effectiveness.
Enter the Digital age of Video Marketing. Video no longer has to be streamed over the airwaves thru the limited channels of broadcast TV. Yes, it’s funny to say that, as only 10 years ago the complaint on everyone’s mind was that Cable TV had too many channels. The Internet age has changed it all. Our choices are now even more complicated.
That’s where Local Search comes in to play…
With all these digital video channels available to them, people can now target with critical specificity, what kind of video they are looking for.
Does a resident in Austin TX have a question about urinary infection symptoms for her dog? She no longer needs to wait til her Sunday evening show on PBS… she can find it right now. And she would probably rather get the information right there from a local Expert Veterinarian.
Maybe a resident in Chicago needs a plumber for some drain cleaning, but wants to know more about what goes into that kind of project before calling a plumber. He doesn’t have to wait for the next DIY show, he can find a video on it instantly. For most people, where to look is the easy part, compared to this type of search before the search engines got so terrific at putting videos in their search results.
What better way for a local business do demonstrate their expertise than to answer their customers most often asked questions.
We all prefer to build relationships. Long lasting relationships based on trust and experience, are a comfort to us. The local business can build those relationships thru video, cheaper than ever because of these Mobile Devices we carry around (and the apps we use with them). The markets are speaking, for we are seeing that handheld mobile video converts just as well as elite quality production value. People prefer the personal touch. They are inherently less likely to trust a big corporation like Walmart, Petsmart or K-Mart, and more likely to trust a video from a Local Business owner pointing out the latest consumer industry news.
This kind of consumer awareness content is easy to produce for the business owner. Match that with a marketer who knows how to put that video in front of amenable digital audiences, and you have the recipe for growth, and predictable stability from a constant flow of customers.
Let’s sign off this article with one more advantage of using video for your Local Search marketing… your competitors are likely ignoring video altogether.
Most local biz owners are too fearful of video, expecting TV commercial costs and vague results. Many Main street businesses jumped on board with video a couple years ago, and have since abandoned it. Unfortunately for them, video hadn’t yet matured, and been adopted by the populace. In addition, the video marketing tools and channels were not as developed and tested as they are now. The biz owner that jumps into the arena using video to sell their message today, engage with their market, have a much cheaper and effective route to profitable and predictable response. All thanks to the world wide adoption of the mobile phone. NOTE: Facebook Live and Youtube are not in an intense battle for video viewers because it’s a dead end.
To get started using the advantage of Video for your Local Search marketing, call 1-888-406-3484
The post Video Marketing’s Decided Advantage With Local Search appeared first on Rainmaker Reputation Local Search.
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