Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Service Area Businesses GMB Service Area Update And SERP Clicks Analyzed

Google has made changes to how service area businesses (SABs) set their service areas in Google My Business (GMB). Previously, SABs could define the radius around their business address, but now they have to define their service area by region, city, or ZIP code.
Why should we care? This change allows SABs to choose not to display their service area if they don't serve customers at their business address. The update also allows SABs to create a listing without designating an address and remove their address if they already have one. Google's aim is to better match consumers with SABs. Additionally, a study on SERP clicks for SABs without Local Services Ads (LSAs) found that over 50% of clicks go to organic search results, 32.26% to the Local Pack, and 14.11% to PPC ads at the top of the page. Consumers are more likely to click on directory links and are motivated by review ratings in the Local Pack. Maintaining a strong online reputation and appearing in directories are crucial for SABs. Eye opening source about Service Area Businesses and GMB Service Areas, and SERPS Clicks Analyzed

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